Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 73 (December 21, 2015)

Highlights of Day 73:

  • Treasures Reading: Unit 2 Assessment
  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
    • Students finished working on their humor comics.
    • List of Top Ten Humorous Moments in "Cabin Fever"
  • Vocabulary: Unit 7 Test
  • Computer Class with Mrs. Boyd!

- Reading: "HURRICANES" Summary
                  Finish Humor Comic
                  List of Top Ten Humorous Moments in "Cabin Fever"

- Students may wear red and green tomorrow!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 72 (December 18, 2015)

Highlights of Day 72:

  • Genre Reading: Students worked on Humor Comics.
  • Students attended Mass celebrated by Father Tim.
  • Treasures Reading:
    • Students read aloud their "HURRICANES" summaries. 
    • Key words included: 
      • atmosphere
      • Atlantic Ocean
      • Bahamas
      • battery powered radio
      • blanket
      • clothes
      • coast
      • contact
      • cyclones
      • dangerous
      • depression
      • destruction
      • disruption
      • East Coast
      • enough food and water for a few days
      • evacuate
      • eye of the hurricane
      • flashlight
      • gathers energy
      • get under a table
      • learn
      • listen
      • heavy rain
      • hurricane
      • Hurricane Katrina
      • instruction
      • interested
      • June
      • middle of the country
      • New Orleans
      • ocean
      • peaceful
      • preparing / prepare
      • radio
      • rain
      • really bad winds
      • safe / safer
      • satellites
      • scary
      • stay away from windows
      • spoil
      • supply
      • tropical storm
      • United States
      • water
      • winds circling
      • 73 miles per hour or less
      • 74 miles per hour or greater
      • 80 degrees
    • Free Verse Poetry: "Suspense"
      • Does not have regular rhyming patterns / rhythm
      • Is often written in lines that vary greatly in length
      • May use nontraditional punctuation
      • May use literary elements to convey ideas
    • Personification is a technique in which the writer gives human characteristics to animals, objects, and ideas.
    • Imagery is the use of words to create vivid mental pictures to help readers visualize ideas expressed in text.
    • Onomatopoeia is the use of words that sound like what they are describing, such as the word buzz for a bee sound.
    • Review of Fiction Text: "The Hungriest Dog"
    • Review of Text: "Going the Distance"
      • Draw Conclusions
      • Main Idea & Details
      • Author's Purpose
      • Latin Roots
      • Charts
  • Vocabulary: Students reviewed for their Unit 7 Test.
  • Religon: Father Andreas spoke about the Eucharist.

- Math: Quiz on Monday
- Reading: Work on Humor Comic
                  Fifty word Summary on "Hurricanes"
                  Reading Test on Unit 2
- Vocabulary: Unit 7 Test on Monday

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 71 (December 17, 2016)

Highlights of Day 71:
  • Morning Reading: Cause and Effect / Fact and Opinion
  • Genre Reading: Students worked on their humor comic.
  • Treasures Reading: "HURRICANES"
    • Expository Text Features
    • Signal Words
    • Multiple-Meaning Words
    • Generalizations
    • Suffixes
    • Classification
  • Grammar: Simple Tense - Present
  • Vocabulary: Unit 7 Words
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd: Microsoft Excel

- Math: Quiz on Monday
- Reading: Work on Humor Comic
                  Fifty word summary on "HURRICANES"
- Vocabulary: Study for Test on Monday

- Daycare Payments  

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 70 (December 16, 2015)

Highlights of Day 70:
  • Morning Reading: Fact and Opinion
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • "Hot-Air Balloon Haiku"
      • Poetry: Haiku
      • Figurative Language
      • Voice
      • What is the most extreme weather you have seen?
      • What happened and what did you learn from it?
      • Multiple-Meaning Words
      • Analyze Text Structure: Description
      • Signal Words
        • At these times
        • First
        • Next
        • Finally
        • For example
  • French: Students sent Christmas messages to French Pen Pals!

  • Gym with Coach Samaha!
  • Students discussed the significance of finding positivity.
  • Music with Ms. Navien!

- Math: Worksheet
- Reading: Work on Humor Comic
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 7 Test

- Lunch Payments

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 69 (December 15, 2015)

Highlights of Day 69:

  • Morning Reading: Fact and Opinion
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion" Quiz
  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
    • Students worked on their humor comics.
  • Vocabulary: Unit 7 Sparkle
  • Grammar: Direct Objects Quiz

- Math: pg. 44 #1-50 (evens)
- Reading: Continue to work on Humor Comic
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 7 Test
- Grammar: Direct Object Quiz

- Christmas Pageant Tonight at Church!
- Ozzie's Toys due by December 18th!
- Aladdin Auditions - December 16th and 17th!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 68 (December 14, 2015)

Highlights of Day 68:
  • Morning Reading: Fact and Opinion
  • Treasures Reading: "Up in the Air: The Story of Balloon Flight"
    • Facts and Opinions
    • Greek Roots
    • Generalizations
    • Sensory Details
  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion" Quiz Review
  • Social Studies: Early European Settlements
    • What did Native Americans feel upon seeing early Europeans step foot on North American land for the first time?
  • Vocabulary: Correct Unit 7 (pgs. 72-75)
  • Grammar: Direct Objects 
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: Workbook pg. 44 #1-50 (evens)
- Reading: Work on Humor Comic
- Science: Quiz on Newton's Laws of Motion
- Vocabulary: Unit 7 Test on Friday

- PTO Dress Down Day for $1.00 (tomorrow)

Day 67 (December 11, 2015)

Day 67 Highlights:

  • Morning Reading: Cause and Effect
  • Class Reward #2:
Back to the Future II

  • Science: Lab Report for Newton's Laws of Bowling
  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
  • Vocabulary: Unit 7 (pgs. 72-75)

- Reading: Comics
- Science: Quiz on Tuesday for Newton's Laws of Motion
- Vocabulary: Finish Unit 7 (pg. 72-75)

- Panera Dine-Out (December 12th)
- PTO Dress Down Day (December 15th)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 66 (December 10, 2015)

Highlights of Day 66:

  • Morning Reading: Cause and Effect
  • Treasures Reading: "Up in the Air: The Story of Balloon Flight"
    • Facts and Opinions
    • Paraphrasing
    • Drawing Conclusions
    • Inferences
    • Chronological Order
  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd: Hour of Code!
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion"
    • Force = Mass x Acceleration
    • Force is a push or pull acting on an object.
    • Mass is the atoms making up an object.
    • Acceleration is the speed of an object.
    • Mass of a Bowling Ball = 1 kilogram (2.5 pounds)
    • Length of the Alley = 18 meters (60 feet)
    • Acceleration = Length of the Alley divided by                             the Time the Bowling Ball takes to the Hit the Pins
    • Acceleration = 18 meters divided by _____ second(s)
    • Acceleration = _____ meters per second squared
    • Force = Mass x Acceleration
    • Force = 1 kilogram x _____ meters per second squared
    • Force = _____ Newtons
  • Genre Reading: Students worked on their Humor Comics.

- Math: Study for Quiz
- Reading: Work on Comics
- Science: Study for Newton's Laws of Motion

- PTO Dine-Out at Panera Bread (December 12)
- Dress Down Day (December 15)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 65 (December 9, 2015)

Highlights of Day 65:

  • Morning Reading: Main Idea and Details / Sequence
  • Science: Newton's Laws of Motion through Bowling

  • French with Madame Auclair!
  • Gym with Coach Samaha!
  • Genre Reading: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever
  • Music with Ms. Navien: Pageant Practice!

- Math: Finish rest of workbook page
- Reading: Morning Worksheet

- PTO Dine-Out @ Panera Bread
- Dress Down Day on December 15th
- Aladdin Auditions

Day 64 (December 8, 2015)

Highlights of Day 64:

  • Morning Reading: Sequence
  • Students attended Mass. 
    • It was a Holy Day of Obligation.

  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion"
    • Newton's first law of motion says that an object at rest stays at rest, and an object moving in a straight line at a constant speed will continue to move in a straight line and at a constant speed until a net force acts on the object.
    • The tendency of an object to resist any change in motion is known as inertia. 
    • Inertia is influenced by mass: objects with greater mass have greater inertia than objects with lesser mass.
    • Newton's second law of motion describes the relationship between acceleration (the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time), mass, and net force.
    • The net forces acting on an object change its velocity by causing it to speed up, slow down, or change directions, all of which are referred to as acceleration.
    • The stronger the force acting on an object, the more it will accelerate, as described by the formula:                                                                                                                         
Force = Mass x Acceleration

    • Newton's third law of motion states that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force on the first object. Action-reaction forces are always equal and opposite, and they always occur in pairs.
    • Student discussed how these laws apply to bowling.
  • Art with Mrs. Smith!

- Math: Two Worksheets
- Reading: Brainstorm Comics
- Science: Newton's Laws of Motion Applied to Bowling

- Sign Report Card and Return

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 63 (December 7, 2015)

Highlights of Day 63:
  • Morning Reading: Sequence
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • "Up in the Air: The Story of Balloon Flight"
    • Main Focus: Paraphrasing / Figurative Language
  • Genre Reading: 
    • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever
    • Students started working on their comics.
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion"

A note from Elfis.

- Math: Two (2) worksheets
- Reading: Comic Book Ideas
- Grammar: Action Verb Quiz

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 62 (December 4, 2015)

Highlights of Day 62:
  • Morning Reading: Main Idea and Details
  • Religion: Sacrament of Confirmation Test
  • Christmas Carnival!

  • Genre Reading: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever"
  • Vocabulary: Unit 6 Test
  • Students completed my Report Card.  
    • Are my directions clear and concise?
    • Do I treat all  students fairly?
    • Do you give challenging, but grade appropriate assignments?
    • Are my units and lessons engaging?
    • Do I act like a positive, Christ-like role model?
  • Religion with Father Andreas!


Go to the Christmas Carnival!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 61 (December 3, 2015)

Highlights of Day 61:
  • Morning Reading: Main Idea and Details
  • Genre Reading: Elements of Humor Fiction
    • In realistic fiction, humor is frequently used to break the tension in sensitive situations, unlike fantasies in which the humor is often the humor of the absurd.
    • Humor of the Character: This depends on the antics of an eccentric personality.
    • Humor of the Situation: Surprising, awkward, or ridiculous actions or situations are among the most common sources of children's humor.
    • Humor of the Language: Plays on words, verbal irony, malapropism (the misuse of words), misunderstandings, all contribute to verbal humor.

    • Students started to identify these elements in...
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion" 
    • Third Annual Equilibrium Aerodynamics Challenge
    •  An airplane moves in a straight line at a constant speed. It speeds up, slows down, or changes direction depending on the net forces acting on it.
    • Students had to create a paper airplane that used the appropriate drag, thrust, lift, and gravity in order to keep the plane in constant motion.
  • Vocabulary: Sparkle and Unit 6 Review!
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: Worksheet
- Reading: Bring in your copy of "Cabin Fever"
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 6 Test
- Religion: Study for Confirmation Test

- Daycare Payments

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 60 (December 2, 2015)

Day 60 Highlights:

  • Morning Reading: Nonfiction Text Features / Visual Information
  • Treasures Reading: "The Science of Hot-Air Balloons"
    •  Main Focus: Facts and Opinions
  • Class Reward #2 Voting:
    • Students voted on watching Back to the Future 2.
  • Gym Class with Coach Samaha!
  • Vocabulary: Sparkle for Unit 6 Words
  • Religion: Sacrament of Confirmation Review Game
  • Music with Ms. Navien practicing for the Christmas Pageant!

- Math: Worksheet
- Science: Work on Paper Airplane
- Religion: Study for Confirmation Test (Friday)
- Vocabulary: Unit 6 Test (Friday)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 59 (December 1, 2015)

Highlights of Day 59:
  • Morning Reading: Visual Information
  • Treasures Reading:
    • "These ROBOTS Are Wild!"
    • Test Practice: Preventing Polio
  • Science: "What are Newton's laws of motion?"
    • All forces acting on an object make up the net force
    • When all the forces acting on an object balance, the object is in a state of equilibrium.
    • Students tested forces with an Arm Wrestling Challenge!

Grace defeats Joe in the Finals!

  • Religion: Review for Sacrament of Confirmation Test!
  • Art with Mrs. Smith!

- Math: pg. 42 #1-5 / The rest are odds.
- Science: Work on Paper Airplane
- Religion: Sacrament of Confirmation Test (Friday)  
- Vocabulary: Unit 6 Test (Friday)

- Twenty-Hours Form