Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 61 (December 3, 2015)

Highlights of Day 61:
  • Morning Reading: Main Idea and Details
  • Genre Reading: Elements of Humor Fiction
    • In realistic fiction, humor is frequently used to break the tension in sensitive situations, unlike fantasies in which the humor is often the humor of the absurd.
    • Humor of the Character: This depends on the antics of an eccentric personality.
    • Humor of the Situation: Surprising, awkward, or ridiculous actions or situations are among the most common sources of children's humor.
    • Humor of the Language: Plays on words, verbal irony, malapropism (the misuse of words), misunderstandings, all contribute to verbal humor.

    • Students started to identify these elements in...
  • Science: "Newton's Laws of Motion" 
    • Third Annual Equilibrium Aerodynamics Challenge
    •  An airplane moves in a straight line at a constant speed. It speeds up, slows down, or changes direction depending on the net forces acting on it.
    • Students had to create a paper airplane that used the appropriate drag, thrust, lift, and gravity in order to keep the plane in constant motion.
  • Vocabulary: Sparkle and Unit 6 Review!
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: Worksheet
- Reading: Bring in your copy of "Cabin Fever"
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 6 Test
- Religion: Study for Confirmation Test

- Daycare Payments

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