Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 58 (November 30, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
Before the title Back to the Future, what was the film going to be called?

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. 
Ah...Are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?"

Highlights of Day 58:
  • Morning Reading: Nonfiction Text Features
  • Treasures Reading: "The Code Breakers" and "A Lucky Hero?"
    • How have scientific discoveries improved people's lives?
  • Genre Reading: Conclusion to Science-Fiction Genre
    • Students watched the film Back to the Future.
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: Finish Math Tree
- Vocabulary: Study Unit 6

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 57 (November 25, 2015)

Highlights of Day 57:
  • Social Studies: Age of Early Exploration Test
  • Vocabulary: Unit 6 Words
  • Clean Desks and Organize the Classrooms
  • Hey Arnold! - Arnold's Thanksgiving

- Vocabulary: Unit 6 Test (Friday 12/4)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 56 (November 24, 2015)

Four-Point Evening Question
Name the author and title of the sci-fi book using this description: An inventor creates a time machine and travels to the year 802, 701, where he finds humanity have evolved into two races, Morlocks and Eloi.

  • Morning Reading: Nonfiction Text Features
  • Treasures Reading: "RATTLERS!" Summary
    • Key words: 
      • poison 
      • heat
      • sensors
      • attack
      • fangs
      • thirty
      • species
      • prey
      • rattlesnake
      • feels
      • vibration
      • smells
      • south Canada
      • fun
      • Mexico
      • misunderstood
      • study
      • common
      • expository
      • kill
      • endangered
      • drink
      • information
      • blood
      • venom
      • bite
      • rattle 
      • skin
      • warning
      • food
      • bad reputation
      • die
      • ambulance
      • dangerous
      • survive
      • track
      • small animals
      • mammals
      • United States of America
      • records
      • ID tags
      • special machine
      • woodlands
      • swamps
      • deserts
      • grasslands
      • mother
      • leave you alone
      • live birth
      • three
      • animal
      • cure
  • Genre Reading: Time Travel Debate!
    • Students debated the poistives:
      • Saving people from dying
      • Stopping assasinations and wars
      • Learning about technology sooner
      • Experiencing history first-hand
    • ...and negatives:
      • Getting caught in the time stream
      • The Grandfather Paradox
      • The Butterfly Effect
      • Spending too much money on time travel
  • Grammar: Unit 2 Nouns Test
  • Art with Ms. Smith!

- Math: Study Divisibity Rules
- Reading: Morning Work Quiz / "RATTLERS!" Summary
- Social Studies: Early Exploration Test

- "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" Form

Day 55 (November 23, 2015)

Highlights of Day 55:

  • Morning Reading: Author's Purpose & Predictions
  • Genre Reading: Science Fiction
    • If we had the technology available, do you think it would be responsible to time travel?
    • Groups planned points, counterpoints, and rebuttals for their upcoming debate. Students needed to use logic, scientific possibilities, and morality to develop responses.
  • Social Studies: Early Exploration Trivia  Review
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: pg. 41 (all)
- Reading: Morning Worksheet
                  "RATTLERS!" Summary
                  Prepare Debate Notes
- Social Studies: Early Exploration (Test on Wednesday)
- Grammar: Nouns Test (tomorrow, Tuesday)
- French: Puppet Paper

- Barnes & Noble Night
- "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever" Form

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Day 54 (November 20, 2015)

Discovering Ourselves through Early Exploration

In the fifth grade class at St. Joseph School, students learned how the 1400-1500s was a great time of discovery throughout the world. Many European countries were in a great race to see who would be the first to find a western water route to Asia. In the process, many explorers intentionally, or more often than not, unintentionally, discovered what we know as the North and South Americas. 

At the end of this unit, students had an opportunity to explore their own heritage. In our day to day lives, it is easy to forget that we have our own story of how we ended up in Haverhill, Massachusetts. Throughout this project, students were able to build a boat with an appropriate ship-figurehead, map out the route of travel, write a letter detailing the journey, ask interview questions to a family member, and bring in a culturally relevant item to exchange with others. The assignment provided to be an enlightening journey for students, parents, and teachers. As we continually try to define ourselves, we must remember we have a long heritage that already has contributed to who we are.

Other Highlights of Day 54:
  • Morning Reading: Predictions
  • Father Tim's Blessing of Canned Goods
  • Treasures Reading: "RATTLERS!" Summary
  • Social Studies: Early Exploration Study Guide
  • Grammar: Unit 2 Nouns Review
  • Religion: Sacrament of Confirmation with Father Andreas

- Math: Divisibility Worksheet
- Reading: "RATTLERS!" Summary
- Social Studies: Study for Early Exploration Test on Wednesday
- Grammar: Finish pages 68-69
- French: Puppet Paper (Last Day Monday)

- SANTA PARADE on Sunday
- Pirate Day on Monday
- Barnes and Noble on Monday Night

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 53 (November 19, 2015)

Highlights of Day 53:

  • Morning Reading: Predictions
  • Treasures Reading: "How Poison Came Into the World"
    • Main Ideas: Folktales, Heroes, and Personification
  • Genre Reading: "The Time Hackers"
    • Chapters Fourteen and Fifteen
  • Social Studies: Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs / Ship-Figureheads
    • Identify the major achievements of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures.
    • Demonstrate the similarities and differences between Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures.
    • Describe the impact of Europeans on Inca and Aztec cultures.
  • Grammar: Lesson 14 - Appositives
  • Computer with Mrs. Boyd!

- Math: Worksheet
- Reading: "RATTLERS!" Summaries
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project
- French: Puppet Project

- "Santa Parade" Form

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 52 (November 18, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
Which famous English poet wrote the famous poem about Kublai Khan's palace, the "stately pleasure dome" in Xanadu, that Marco Polo spoke of in his travels?

Highlights of Day 52:
  • Morning Reading: Author's Purpose
  • Vocabulary: Unit 5 Test
  • Genre Reading: SciFi - "The Time Hackers"
    • Chapters Twelve and Thirteen
  • "I am thankful for..." Newspaper Statements
    • Cierra: I am thankful for my life and those in my family because without them I would not be here to leave my mark on the world!
    • Cassie: I am thankful for a wonderful school because some people do not have wonderful schools to go to with caring teachers.
  • French with Madame Auclair!

French pronunciations to exchange fruit!

  • Gym Class with Coach Samaha!
  • Social Studies: 
    • Ship-Figurehead Projects
    • "Once Upon a Time...The Travels of Marco Polo"
  • Music with Mrs. Navien: Practice for Christmas Pageant

- Math: Finish eight (8) problems
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project
- French: Puppet Paper

- Sign "Float Form" if child is walking 
- Please bring in CANNED GOODS!

Day 51 (November 17, 2015)

...And let us not forget about the terrible tragedies happening elsewhere.

Highlights of Day 51:
  • Morning Reading: Author's Purpose
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • "RATTLERS!" - Main Idea and Details
    • "Rare Rattler Rescue" Pop Quiz
  • Genre Reading: Science Fiction - "The Time Hackers"
  • Social Studies: Early Explorers
    • Marco Polo An Italian explorer who inspired a majority of explorers after him. Though he was not the first explorer, Polo was the first to document his travels to Europe, China, and India (1271-1295) in great details. 
    • Prince Henry the Navigator This individual was fascinated with ships, maps, and riches, so he started a school to teach navigation. His students included Christopher Columbus and Bartholomeu Dias.
    • Christopher Columbus This individual sailed west in 1492 hoping to find Asia, but actually discovered the Bahamas.
    • Amerigo Vespucci America was named after this man because his name was written on a map in 1507 after discovering the land.
    • Jacques Cartier This French sailor claimed Canada for France. He thought St. Lawrence would lead him to Asia.
    • Vasco da Gama A Portuguese explorer (1497) who reached India by sailing around the southern tip of Africa.
    • John Cabot An Italian explorer (1497) who reached Canada, not Asia. He went back in 1498, but never returned.
    • Pedro Cabral A Portuguese explorer (1500) sent out to copy da Gama’s voyage, but claimed South America instead.
    • Vasco Nunez de Balboa A Spanish explorer (1501) who settled in Hispaniola, but in 1513 he noticed the Pacific.
    • Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese explorer (1519-22) He lead eighteen individuals around the world for the first time!
    • Giovanni da Verrazano An Italian explorer (1524) who was hired by the French King to find a northwest passageway to Asia around Canada. However, it could not be found!
    • Hernando de Soto A Spanish explorer (1539) who claimed current southeastern United States for Spain.
    • Fransico Vasquez de Coronado A Spanish explorer (1541) who desperately wanted to find the  Golden Cities claimed southwest land such as New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas for Spain.
    • Henry Hudson An English explorer (1610) trying to find a northwest passageway to Asia, however, he found what was later the Hudson Bay.
    • Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet These French/Canadian explorers (1673) tried to see if the Mississippi would lead to Asia; it only lead to the Gulf of Mexico. 
  • Students discussed how their words can positively or negatively influence people. Additionally, we discussed how we must be humble to admit we are not always the best.
  • Students worked on their Ship-Figurehead Projects.
  • Students studied for tomorrow's Unit 5 Vocabulary Test.
  • Art Class with Mrs. Smith!

- Math: pg. 30 (odds)
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 5 Test
- Grammar: Possessive Nouns Quiz
- French: Puppet Project

- Bring in canned goods for Food Drive!
- "Texas Roadhouse" Forms

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 50 (November 16, 2015)

"Once again we've seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack not just on Paris, it's an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share." - President Obama on Paris Attacks

Highlights of Day 50:
  • Corrected Work:
    • Spelling Make-Up Unit 5 Test
    • Reading Week 8 - Good Luck Charm
    • Reading Week 9 - An Unusual Goat Hoarder
    • Reading "Sleds on Boston Common" Summary
    • Reading "Hidden Worlds" Summary
    • Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns Quiz
    • Science "What are forces?" Test Corrections
  • Morning Reading: Character and Setting / Theme
  • Treasures Reading: "RATTLERS!"
    • Elements of Expository Text / Main Idea and Details
  • Genre Reading: Science Fiction - "The Time Hackers"
    • Chapters 6, 7, and 8
  • Social Studies: 
    • Christopher Columbus Posters
    • Age of Exploration: Ship-Figurehead Project

  • Vocabulary: Unit 5 Review - Sparkle and Around the World
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns Quiz
  • Computer: Halloween Creature Graphic Design

- Math: Worksheet
- Reading: "Old Man at Crater Lake" Worksheet
- Social Studies: Continue to work on Ship-Figurehead Project
- Vocabulary: Unit 5 Test
- Grammar: Possessive Nouns Quiz

- "Ship-Figurehead" Form
- "Ski Club" Form
- "Shutterbug Club" Form

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 49 (November 13, 2015)

Five-Point Weekend Question
Which Student Council position did Mr. C. hold in the sixth grade?

Highlights of Day 49:
  • Student Council Speeches and Voting
  • 5C Room Representative Speeches and Voting

  • Treasures Reading: "Poisonous Snakes" / "RATTLERS!"
    • Main Focus: Main Idea and Supporting Details
  • Make-Up French Class with Madame Auclair!
  • Social Studies: "Christopher Columbus -- Hero or Villain?!" poster
  • Vocabulary: Confused Words / More Precise Words
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns

- Math: pg. 30 (evens)
- Reading: "Hidden Worlds" Summary / Copy of "The Time Hackers"
- Social Studies: Continue to work on Ship-Figurehead Project
                             A Christopher Columbus picture for poster
- Vocabulary: Unit 5 Test (Tuesday 11/17)
- Grammar: Possessive Nouns Quiz  (Monday 11/16)

- Libary Book for Monday!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 48 (November 12, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is oldest?

Highlights of Day 48:
  • Morning Reading: Character and Setting / Theme
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • Key words of "Hidden Worlds" Summary: affect, algae, asking questions, bacteria, bugs, cells, college, crustaceans, Dennis Kunkel, discoveries, endless, eruption, exploring, farm, fish, fungi, gave, geologist, insects, inspired, life, learning, microscope, Mount St. Helens, observing, Ph. D., plants, pollen, professor, scientist, studied, teacher, ten, twenty-five years, University of Hawaii, University of Washington, and volcano.
    • Assess Prior Knowledge of Slithery Snakes
  • Genre Reading: Science Fiction - "The Time Hackers" 
    • Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5
  • Social Studies: 
    • Ship-Figurehead Project 
    • Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain?!

  • Vocabulary: Unit 5 - Sparkle
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns
  • Computer: Graphic Designing Creatures

- Math: pg. 28 all
- Reading: Revise "Hidden Worlds" Summary
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project (sign form!)
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 5 Test (Tuesday)

- Room Representative
- Ski Club Form

Day 47 (November 10, 2015)

Highlights of Day 47:


  • November Raffle
  • Make-Up Computer Class from Monday
  • Genre Reading: 
    • Elements of the Science Fiction Genre
    • "The Time Hackers" by Gary Paulsen
  • In a class building activity, students made compliment cards.
  • Art Class with Mrs. Smith!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 46 (November 9, 2015)

Highlights of Day 46:

  • Morning Reading: Characters and Setting
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • "Hidden Worlds " Summary
    • "The Termites" - Concrete Poem / Rhythm / Rhyme Scheme
  • Social Studies: 
    • Ship-Figurehead Project Explanation
    • Lesson 1: Exploring the World
      • Understand the motivations for European exploration
      • Explain the advancements that made long voyages possible
      • Summarize the Columbian exchange
      • Identify and describe Prince Henry, Bartholomeu Dias, and Christopher Colombus
  • Vocabulary: Unit 5
    • Match the Meaning
    • Synonyms / Antonyms
    • Completing the Sentence
    • Word Asscociations
  • Grammar: Unit 12 - Irregular Plural Nouns
  • Religion: Practice for tomorrow's Mass

- Math: pg. 27
- Reading: "Hidden  Worlds" Summary
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project / Read pg. 56-57
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 5 Test
- If applicable, fill out a "Remembrance Cross"

- Last Day for Raffle Tickets
- Bring Recorders to School
- Goods for Food Drive

Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 45 (November 6, 2015)

Highlights of Day 45:

  • Morning Reading: 
    • Compare and Contrast / Make Inferences Quiz
  • Science: "What are forces?" Make-Up Test
  • Religion: Roles for November 10th Mass
  • Treasures Reading: "Hidden Worlds"
    • Main Focus: Expository Text
***I left in the afternoon to attend a MAP Test Meeting at the Pastoral Center in Braintree. There was a lot of relevant information on how to interpret and apply the MAP Testing Results from October. Ms. LaPlume was the  substitute in the afternoon.
  • Grammar: Lesson 12 - Irregular Plural Nouns
  • Vocabulary: Unit 5
  • Religion with Father Andreas: 
    • The Sacrament of Confirmation

- Morning Reading: Finish Quiz
- Science: Test Corrections (Staple to Original Test)
- Grammar: Finish Lesson 12 (pg. 56-59)
- Vocabulary: Unit 5 - Match the Meaning / Synonyms / Antonyms

- Daycare Payments

Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 44 (November 5, 2015)

Highlights of Day 44:
  • Morning Reading: Make Inferences
  • Review of Corrected Work:
    • "What are forces?" Test
    • Common and Proper Nouns Quiz
    • Singular and Plural Nouns Quiz
    • Unit 4 Vocabulary Test
  • Treasures Reading: "Hidden Worlds"
    • Genre: Expository
    • Main Focus: Sequence of Events
  • Class Reward #1: Watching the movie, Inside Out
  • Religion: Responsibilities for November 10th Mass
  • Computer: Prezi Presentations

- Math: Study

- P.T.O. Dress Down Day on November 10th
- Sign Academic Bowl Slip

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 43 (November 4, 2015)

Highlights of Day 43:

  • Morning Reading: Compare and Contrast
  • Science: Lesson 2 - "What are forces?" Test
  • French with Mme. Auclair!
  • Gym with Coach Samaha!
  • Vocabulary: Unit 4 Test
  • Music with Ms. Navien!
    • Preparation for School Mass

- Math: Finish pg. 21
- Reading: Morning Reading

- P.T.O. Dessert Day - $1 (November 5th)
- Dress Down Day -$1 (November 10th)
- Return Academic Bowl Slip by November 6th

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 42 (November 3, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
How many voting polls did Haverhill have open today?

Highlights of Day 42:
  • Morning Reading: Compare and Contrast
  • Genre Reading: Unit 2 - Investigations
    • "Dr. Priscilla C. Grew, Geologist"
      • Main Focus: Sequence
  • Student Work: October Accomplishment
  • Expectations of Student Council Room Representatives
  • Grammar: Lesson 11 - Singular and Plural Nouns
  • Vocabulary: Review for Unit 4 Test
  • Science: Review for "What are forces?" Test
  • Art with Mrs. Smith!

- Math: pg. 20 #2-26 (evens)
- Science: Study for "What are forces?" Test
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 4 Test
- Student Work: October Accomplishment

- November 5th: P.T.O. Dessert Day
- November 10th: "Red, White, and Blue" Dress Down Day

Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 41 (November 2, 2015)

Thank you for your generous donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We were successfully able to triple our goal and raise $356.00!!!

Two-Point Evening Question
Which states do not participate in Daylight Saving Time?

Highlights of Day 41:
  • Morning Reading: Compare and Contrast
  • Graded Work Review:
    • Morning Reading Week Six and Week Seven
    • First Annual Halloween Creature Contest
    • Sacrament of Baptism Test
    • "Gravity Falls" Lab Report
  • Reading: Unit 2 - Investigations
    • Students randomly selected a wild discovery to research.
    • What are some scientific areas you would want to investigate?
  • Library with Ms. Marinis!
  • Science: Work and Power
    • Work is done when a force moves an object.
    • Force (in Newton) multiplied by Distance equals Work.
    • The measurement for force is called Joules (J).
      • named after James Joule, an English physicist.
    • Power is the rate at which work is done.
    • When work is done faster, power is increased.
    • Work divided by Time equals Power.
      • named after James Watt, a Scottish engineer.
  • Vocabulary: Unit 4 Sparkle Review
    • Remember to study:
      • continuous
      • assault
      • numerous
      • strategy
      • villain
      • cautious
      • treacherous
  • Grammar: Lesson 10 - Common and Proper Nouns
  • Computer: Prezis!

- Math: Workbook pg. 20 #1-27 (odds)
- Reading: Morning Work Quiz from Friday
- Science: Study for "What are forces?" Test (Wednesday)
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 4 Test (Wednesday)
- Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns worksheet

- Championship Soccer Game Tonight at the Stadium (6 pm)
- P.T.O. Treat Day on Thursday - $1.00
- Red, White, and Blue Dress Down Day Next Tuesday - $1.00