Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 51 (November 17, 2015)

...And let us not forget about the terrible tragedies happening elsewhere.

Highlights of Day 51:
  • Morning Reading: Author's Purpose
  • Treasures Reading: 
    • "RATTLERS!" - Main Idea and Details
    • "Rare Rattler Rescue" Pop Quiz
  • Genre Reading: Science Fiction - "The Time Hackers"
  • Social Studies: Early Explorers
    • Marco Polo An Italian explorer who inspired a majority of explorers after him. Though he was not the first explorer, Polo was the first to document his travels to Europe, China, and India (1271-1295) in great details. 
    • Prince Henry the Navigator This individual was fascinated with ships, maps, and riches, so he started a school to teach navigation. His students included Christopher Columbus and Bartholomeu Dias.
    • Christopher Columbus This individual sailed west in 1492 hoping to find Asia, but actually discovered the Bahamas.
    • Amerigo Vespucci America was named after this man because his name was written on a map in 1507 after discovering the land.
    • Jacques Cartier This French sailor claimed Canada for France. He thought St. Lawrence would lead him to Asia.
    • Vasco da Gama A Portuguese explorer (1497) who reached India by sailing around the southern tip of Africa.
    • John Cabot An Italian explorer (1497) who reached Canada, not Asia. He went back in 1498, but never returned.
    • Pedro Cabral A Portuguese explorer (1500) sent out to copy da Gama’s voyage, but claimed South America instead.
    • Vasco Nunez de Balboa A Spanish explorer (1501) who settled in Hispaniola, but in 1513 he noticed the Pacific.
    • Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese explorer (1519-22) He lead eighteen individuals around the world for the first time!
    • Giovanni da Verrazano An Italian explorer (1524) who was hired by the French King to find a northwest passageway to Asia around Canada. However, it could not be found!
    • Hernando de Soto A Spanish explorer (1539) who claimed current southeastern United States for Spain.
    • Fransico Vasquez de Coronado A Spanish explorer (1541) who desperately wanted to find the  Golden Cities claimed southwest land such as New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas for Spain.
    • Henry Hudson An English explorer (1610) trying to find a northwest passageway to Asia, however, he found what was later the Hudson Bay.
    • Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet These French/Canadian explorers (1673) tried to see if the Mississippi would lead to Asia; it only lead to the Gulf of Mexico. 
  • Students discussed how their words can positively or negatively influence people. Additionally, we discussed how we must be humble to admit we are not always the best.
  • Students worked on their Ship-Figurehead Projects.
  • Students studied for tomorrow's Unit 5 Vocabulary Test.
  • Art Class with Mrs. Smith!

- Math: pg. 30 (odds)
- Social Studies: Ship-Figurehead Project
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 5 Test
- Grammar: Possessive Nouns Quiz
- French: Puppet Project

- Bring in canned goods for Food Drive!
- "Texas Roadhouse" Forms

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