Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day 28 (October 14, 2015)

CNN Two-Point Evening Question
According to CNN News, which democratic candidate was declared the "winner" of the CNN/Facebook Democratic Debate?

Highlights of Day 28:
  • Morning Reading: Ask Questions
  • Genre Reading: "Shiloh" Test
  • French with Madame Auclair!
  • Gym with Coach Samaha!
  • Vocabulary: Sparkle for Unit 3
    • Remember to study these words from Units 1 and 2:
      • continuous
      • veteran
      • assault
      • numerous
      • shrewd
      • strategy
      • villain
  • Science: Lesson 2 - What are forces?
    • If you were to drop a grape, an apple, and a watermelon from the back stairs, which do you think would hit the ground first?
  • Music with Ms. Navien!

- Math: pg. 16 (all)
- Reading: Bring back "Ask Questions" Worksheet
- Science: Form Hypothesis
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 3 Test

- Field Trip Form Due Back on October 20th!
- Twenty-Hours Form