Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 29 (October 15, 2015)

CNN Two-Point Evening Question
Who was the last U.S. President to not serve two consecutive terms?

Highlights of Day 29:
  • Morning Reading: Ask Questions
  • Genre Reading: Scholastics' "Frankenstein" (Horror Fiction)
    • Students watched the performance of last year's class.
    • Students performed a "cold read" of the script.
  • Science: Lesson 2 - What are forces?
    • Objects do not change their motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
    • Students should understand the relationship between the strength of a force and its effect on an object (for example, the greater the force, the greater the change in motion; the more massive the object, the smaller the effect of a given force.
    • A force is a push or a pull that acts on an object.
    • Forces have both magnitude (size or strength) and direction.
    • The magnitude of a force is measured in Newtons.
    • Every object in the universe exerts (applies) a gravitational force on every other object.
    • Lab Question: If you drop a grape, an apple, and a pumpkin at the same time, which will hit the ground first? Students learned that gravity accelerates all objects at the same rate (taking into account the absence of human error and air resistance).

  • MAP Testing: Language
  • Class Reward #1: Students nominated suggestions for their first class reward including a movie, an electronic hour, or a pumpkin carving.
- Math: pg. 19 (all)
- Reading: Reread "Frankenstein" / Select a role for performance
- Vocabulary: Unit 3 Test (on Monday)

- Field Trip Form Due on October 26th!