Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 36 (October 26, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
What do the initials "R.L." stand for in R.L. Stine?

Highlights of Day 36:
  • Morning Reading: Cause and Effect
  • Treasures Reading: "Paul Revere's Ride"
    • Main Focus: Poetry (Meter and Alliteration)
  • Field Trip to Chunky's Cinema
    • The Three-Mile Leukemia and Lymphoma Walk was a huge success; we have reached our one hundred dollar goal, but we would love for donations to continue until Friday. 
    • The students loved Goosebumps and gave it a 9.5 out of 10 rating! Favorite characters included: the Blob, Champ, Hannah, the praying giant mantis, R.L. Stine, the scary floating poodle, Slappy the Dummy, and the werewolf. Favorite settings included: the amusement park, the funhouse, the grocery store, Madison High School, the police station, R.L. Stine's house, and the skating rink. Scariest moments included: the Abominable Snowman, the basement, a bat, being separated, a clown, the dark, the graveyard, The Invisible Boy, the praying mantis, a scary floating poodle, Slappy the Dummy, the werewolf, and zombies. Finally, themes students took away from the movie included: We have to face our fears and inner demons, be careful of your imagination, working together helps you accomplish your goals, and always listen to the rules!

Computer: Prezis!

- Math: Page four in packet
- Reading:
  Forty to sixty word summary on "Sleds on Boston Common"
  Reread "Frankenstein" / Bring in props and costumes
- Science: Work on "Gravity Falls" Lab Report
- Grammar: Unit 1 Test on Tuesday
- Vocabulary: Unit 4 Test on Monday (November 2)
- Religion: Baptism Test This Week

- Raise Money ($$$) for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- Sign Progress Report Cards
- "The Time Hackers" Book Form