Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 32 (October 20, 2015)

Two-Point Evening Question
Name the title of the first book published in the original Goosebumps series. Type your answer below in the comment section!

Highlights of Day 32:
  • Morning Reading: Main Idea
  • Treasures Reading: "Sleds on Boston Common" 
    • Main Focuses: Historical Fiction / Drawing Conclusions
  • Religion: Students finalized their letters being sent to the Catholic Schools Foundation. Not only did students learn about the letter writing process, but they had a heightened sense of responsibility knowing the active role they were playing in demonstrating their gratitude on behalf of the school. A job well-done!

  • Genre Reading: "Frankenstein" Rehearsal

  • Grammar:
    • Lesson 8 - Complex Sentences
    • Lesson 9 - Fragments and Run-Ons
  • Art Class with Ms. Smith!

- Math: Finish page two in packet
- Reading: Memorize lines in "Frankenstein"
- Grammar: Finish Lesson 8 and Lesson 9 Quizzes

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