Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day 11 (September 17, 2015)

Evening Question
According to, who do they believe was the top "winner" from last night's CNN Republican  debate? The first correct answer in the comment section will receive two points toward "CNN Student News" points and two pieces of candy from Spidey!

Highlights of Day 11:
  • Morning Reading: Visualization
  • Treasures Reading: "Through My Eyes" by Ruby Bridges
    • Main Focuses: Autobiography and Timeline
    • White Americans rioted when a six-year-old African American girl wanted to be educated in a "white only" school. What were people so afraid of? Can we tolerate differences? Norman Rockwell pushes us to think about this in his artistic portrayal entitled, The Problem We All Live With.
    • We identified this "problem" as the inability to accept differences in other people.
  • Science: How can you describe motion?
    • Focuses: Types of Motion, Speed, and Velocity
    • Objects move in many different ways and at different speeds including constant, variable, periodic, circular, and vibrational. 
    • Average Speed = Distance / Time
    • Velocity describes the speed and the direction of an object.
  • Vocabulary: SPARKLE and Vocabulary Review
  • Computer Class with Mrs. Boyd!
- Math: Study for Quiz
- Reading: "Goin' Someplace Special" Summary
                  "Making Connections" Quiz
                  Read Chapter 7 of "Shiloh"
- Science: Study for "How can you describe motion?" Quiz on Monday
- Vocabulary: Study for Test on Unit 1

- September Dress Down: "Say Good-Bye to Summer" on September 22!