Friday, September 11, 2015

Day 7 (September 11, 2015)

Weekend Question
Which year did the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City open? The first correct answer in the comment section will earn TWO (2) points toward "CNN Student News" questions and two pieces of candy!

Highlights of Day 7:
  • Morning Reading: Making Connections
  • Opening Mass of the School Year!
    • The children should be proud of their Mass participation.
  • Treasures Reading: "Goin' Someplace Special"
    • Main Focuses: Characters, Settings, Similes and Irony
  • Genre Reading: Chapter 3 of "Shiloh"
    • Main Focus: Round and Flat Characters
    • We come to know what the character thinks, wants, and says.
  • Grammar: Lesson 2 - Complete Subjects and Predicates
  • Weekly Auction!

- Reading: Reread Chapter 3 of "Shiloh"
- Science: Finish Lab Report
- Vocabulary: Test on Unit 1 (Friday)

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