Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day 16 (September 24, 2015)

Evening Question
Fill in the following quote that Pope Francis issued to Congress today: "The United States must break out of its cycle of paralysis and use its power to heal the _________________ of a planet torn by hatred, greed, poverty, and population." The first correct answer in the comment section will earn two "CNN Student News" points.

Highlights of Day 16:
  • Morning Reading: Organization
  • Treasures Reading: Test Practice - "A Salute to SERVICEWOMEN"
    • Main Focuses: Testing Strategies / Purposes for Writing
  • Genre Reading: Chapter 9 of "Shiloh"
    • Main Focuses: Types of Conflict
      What type of conflict occurs most in "Shiloh?"

      Character vs. Character
      Character vs. Nature
      Character vs. Society
      Character vs. Self
      Poll Maker
  • Social Studies: Accessing Prior Knowledge of Map Making Skills
    • Challenge: Draw a Map of the Second Floor of S.J.S.

  • Grammar: Collect Lesson 3 Quiz on Simple Subject and Predicates
  • Vocabulary: Unit 2
    • Complete the Sentence
    • Synonyms & Antonyms
    • Word Associations
  • Computer: Prezis

- Math: pg. 6 #8-15
- Reading: "Shiloh" Character Conflict
- Social Studies: Finish Map of Second Floor
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 2 Test (Next Friday)
- French: Self Portrait (Due Next Wednesday)

- Saturday Bake Sale
- PTO Fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse (September 28)
- Lunch Money Payments
- Daycare Payments