Friday, September 18, 2015

Day 12 (September 18, 2015)

Weekend Question
The earliest origin of Four Square goes as far pack as the 17th century with a game called "Paume." Which European country was "Paume" played in? The first correct answer in the comment section will earn two "CNN Studnet News" points and two pieces of candy!

Highlights of Day 12:
  • Morning Reading: Visualizations
  • Genre Reading: Chapter 7 of "Shiloh"
    • Main Focus: What is a theme? A theme is the moral or message that goes beyond the story itself. It is a timeless truth that expresses something about life.
    • "Humans should protect God's creatures no matter what."
    • "Doing what is morally right, might not be what is legally accepted."
  • Treasures Reading: Final Real World Connection on Emmett Till
    • Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in a town called Money, Mississippi. On August 24, 1955, he "reportedly" flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store while buying bubblegum. Four days later, the cashier's husband and half-brother kidnapped Emmett Till, beat him, and shot him in the head. The men went to court for murder, but an all-white, male jury stated the two men were not guilty. Till's murder and open casket funeral motivated many to join  the Civil Rights Movement.
    • Though an extremely graphic image, it says a lot about the hatred present in our world. I was in the fifth grade when I first came across the story of Emmett Till, and since that day I have been reflecting on one question. This is the final question I will leave you with as we conclude this part of our "Taking a Stand" unit: Why didn't the jury take a stand against the hatred of these two men who brutally beat and killed a fourteen-year-old child?
  • Science: How can you describe motion?
    • Main Focus: Solving Problems to Find Speed
    • Students measured their speeds (distance divided by time) by completing a Recess Run!

  • Vocabulary: Unit 1 Test
  • Religion: Father Andreas
    • Main Focus: Valid and Invalid Sacraments and the Upcoming Visit to the United States of America by Pope Francis
- Science: Study for "How can you describe motion?" Test on Tuesday

- Sign and return CORI Form
- Daycare Payments
- $1 for Dress Down Day on Tuesday!


  1. Just when I thought the streak was ending, Liam is back at it again!
    France is...CORRECT!

  2. That is correct, Grace, but Liam got there first! Great answer though!

  3. Did you here about the fire at the abandoned shoe factory across from school you could see the smoke from Boston

  4. I did see it! Do you know what triggered it?

  5. Hey Mr C I heard there was a lot of oiled wood in the factory

  6. Really?! This is interesting, Tori. Perhaps this could be paired up with the claims I have heard of arson.
