Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 20 (September 30, 2015)


Off the heels of a great Fundraiser Night at the Texas Roadhouse, our next PTO Event will be happening on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 at 7:00 PM!

The fun for all ages wrestling group, CHIKARA Pro Wrestling, will be hosting their October wrestling event in our gymnasium. You may remember their sister promotion, “Wrestling Is Fun,” from last October. 

In teaming up with SJS, CHIKARA has made the following deal with Saint Joseph School. With the purchase of one (1) $15 ticket, one (1) student may attend the event for free with a paying adult. However, this deal is limited to the first fifty-tickets sold, and it only applies to General Admission seating. First and second-row seating must be purchased through  Afterward, you will have to take your chances getting your ticket at the door for $20. If you are interested in this limited time offer, please send in your ticket request in an envelope labeled: PTO Wrestling Event with a form filled out no later than Thursday, October 8 at 2:30. All wrestling related questions can be directed to Mr. Castano at

Additionally, the SNACK SHACK will be open that evening serving up some delicious pulled pork and meatball sandwiches, chips, sugary treats, candies, and drinks. All of these proceeds will help benefit the PTO. We look forward to this super event, and we thank you for supporting all of the PTO events over this school year.

Evening Question
Who is the current CHIKARA Grand Champion? The first correct answer in the comment section will earn two CNN Student News points.

Highlights of Day 20:
  • Morning Reading: Organization Quiz
  • Reading: Chapters 13, 14, and 15 of "Shiloh"
    • A learning moment could not be stopped, as students demanded that we finished reading the epic realistic fiction novel. "Shiloh" ended with the thrilling, final lines "... I'm thinking how nothing is as simple as you guess -- not right or wrong, not Judd Travers, not even me or this dog I got here. But the good part is I saved Shiloh and opened my eyes some. Now that ain't bad for eleven."
    • In the coming week, we will be having a real life attorney, Anthony Muir, come into the class to speak about the legal system and how it applies to this story.
  • French with Madame Auclair!
  • Gym with Coach Samaha!
  • Grammar: Reviewed Lesson 4 - Subjects in Imperative Sentences Quiz
  • Religion: Sacrament of Baptism
    • The Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
    • Holy Water as a Sacramental
    • Baptism is the First Sacrament of Initiation
  • Music with Ms. Navien!
- Reading: "The Rafting Trip" Quiz
- Math: pg. 11 #2-28 (even #s only)
- Social Studies: Find resources to find Saint Joseph School on Google Earth
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 2 Test (on Friday)
- Web Wall of 5C Student Work: Think of your proudest September accomplishment!

- $1 for Dessert Day
- October 10th Wrestling Event (Donations Needed)