Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 17 (September 25, 2015)

Take a picture of yourself with the supermoon behind you, show it to me this Monday, and earn FIVE CNN STUDENT NEWS POINTS!!!

Highlights of Day 17:

  • Reviewed Corrected Assessments:
    • Inferences Quiz
    • Visualization Quiz
    • Simple Subject and Predicates Quiz
    • "How can you describe motion?" Test
  • Morning Reading: Organization
  • Treasures Reading: "Johanna in Jamaica"
    • As we continued  to look at our Taking-a-Stand Unit, students examined how they can take a stand for their friends. They defined friendship as being loyal, honest, having each other's back, building them up (not tearing them down), sharing similar interests, and believing in who they are as a person. 
    • Main Focuses: Suffixes / Problem & Solution
  • Genre Reading: Chapter 10 of "Shiloh"
    • Question: Do you think Marty will get to keep Shiloh?
  • Social Studies: Evaluating Our Second Floor Maps
    • Key Concepts: boundaries, cardinal and intermediate directions, compass rose, elevation, equator, grid, inset map, key (legend), latitude, longitude, parallels, meridians (including prime meridian), scale, and a title.
  • Grammar: Lesson 4 - Subjects in Imperative Sentences
  • Vocabulary: Unit 2 - Completing the Sentence   
  • Religion: Father Andreas discussed Licit and Illicit Sacraments. 

- Vocabulary: Completing the Sentence (pg. 22)
- French: Finish Self-Portrait

- Bake Sale on Saturday!
- Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser on Monday!

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