Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 9 (September 15, 2015)

Evening Question
From today's episode of "CNN Student News," which country is Hesham Modamani from? The first correct answer in the 'Comment Section' earns two CNN points and two pieces of candy!

Some highlights of Day 9:
  • Morning Reading: Making Connections
  • Genre Reading: Chapter 5 of "Shiloh"
    • Main Focus: Finding Evidence of Realistic Fiction in Informational Text
    • Though fictional, the animal abuse in "Shiloh" does really happen!
  • Treasures Reading: "Goin' Someplace Special"
    • Main Focuses: Summarizing and Identifying Theme
  • Review "Balloon Blow-Up" Lab Report
  • Science: Rube Goldberg Machine
    • A contraption, invention, device or apparatus that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated fashion, usually including a chain reaction. 
    • The Simple Task: Get a Marble in a Cup!
    #1 Skateboard City

    #2 Play Dough Pandemonium

    #3 The Domino Effect

    #4 Jenga Jungle Gym

    #5 The Mighty Fine Zip Line

  • Vocabulary: Corrected Completing the Sentences (pg. 12)
  • Grammar: Collected Lesson 2: Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates Quiz
  • First Art Class of the Year!!!
- Math: pg. 4 #1-11
- Reading: Forty to Sixty Word Summary for "Goin' Someplace Special
                 Reread Chapter 5 of "Shiloh"
- Science: Vote on this very blog for the most innovative Rube Goldberg Machine
- Vocabulary: Study for Unit 1 Test

- Sign up for the School Band
- Sign and return Tests or Quizzes less than 70%.